1. After measuring the height between my shelves, I headed to the nearest dollar store. In my town it was a DEALS. Although I had never been in there before, I was pleasantly surprised by the choices of bins and baskets. Goal: Find the largest ones that will fit on my shelves comfortably! These baskets and buckets were only $1 each! You can't beat that! I bought about 20.
2. Next, I decided I love the little chalkboard labels. You can buy the stickers at Hobby Lobby for $3.99. Add a 40% off coupon and you're talking junk change! Since my baskets are not solid, I put them on card stock, punched holes through the corners and tied them on with some jute I had left over from a previous project.
3. I labeled them with a white chalk pen, also found at Hobby Lobby for a couple dollars.
It may not be in a magazine, but I was pleased with how it turned out. My kids can read the labels and help unload groceries too, which is a huge plus!