Now, I am no Pinteresty-perfect parent, but I do what I can to be efficient with time and keep my family prepared for life. My friends often ask me how I get it all done, whatever "it all" means. I'll take that as a compliment, but my BEST friends know that while I do get a lot done, I am always far from finished! Back to school is HUGE at our house because not only do the 4 kiddos head back, my husband and I go back to school too. He is a 7th grade teacher and I'm a school counselor (and currently we're both in Grad school, so back to school has a whole new meaning lately)! Needless to say, we hit the ground running in August and we don't really rest until June. Here are some things we've been doing to help the school year get off to a great start.
1. Wash, clean out, and vacuum both cars. We are about to LIVE in this vehicle. Between gymnastics, church, soccer, art classes, etc... Do I really need to explain? I think you get it.
2. Buy enough groceries for two weeks of school lunches. This is important because when Saturday hits, we will be exhausted from the first week of school and I know none of us will want to run to the store. Last year I taught my 5 and 7 year olds how to pack their own lunches. We did it together for a week or two, but I involved them in the shopping and I know that this is a chore that they can help take responsibility for. They are 6 and 8 now, but my boy will be starting Kindergarten this fall, so it's time for him to learn too!
3. Make enough laundry detergent to last the whole year. We do A LOT of laundry in our house. Actually, my husband does A LOT of laundry. He's great and everyone pitches in! I started making my own detergent about a year ago in order to save us some money and I love it. I recently bought a 5 gallon paint bucket and followed the recipe below to make enough to last the whole year through. I have tried a few different recipes (liquid, gel, and powder form) and this is my favorite.
It is the end of July and we are almost through our batch from last July. We estimated that the ingredients for a year supply cost us $22. I'll take that!
2 bars of Zote or 3 bars of Fels-Naptha
2 Boxes of Baking Soda (4 lbs each)
2 boxes of Washing Soda (4 lbs each)
2 Oxi-Clean tubs (3.5 lbs each)
1. Grate the soap 2. Mix everything together 3. Use 1 tbsp per load
We have been known to add Downy Unstoppables to very stinky loads (attn:potty training mommas)!
4. Make and freeze as many meals as possible. This is a must in our house. Since I am a
Wildtree Representative, I'm pretty fond of the ease of their freezer meal workshops. Tonight, in less than 30 minutes, I made 4 freezer meals with ingredients I had leftover from workshops. 4 nights that I don't have to stress about what my family will be eating. Plus, I know that they are healthy...priceless. Whether you find recipes on Pinterest, buy a Wildtree bundle, or raid the freezer aisle at your local Wal Mart, do something to get those dinners prepped!
5. Clean out all closets! We spent a few days going through each kid's closet and drawers. We pulled out clothes that were too small, put some in bins (labeled of course) for younger siblings, and started a pile to consign at our local consignment sale. I also went through my clothes. Looking at the clothes more closely made it easier to do a little back to school shopping because I knew exactly what everyone needed. Plus, the closets are super clean and organized now!
6. Last, but the most important of all. Spend quality time with your kids! I know summer is almost over and your kids are driving you crazy. I've seen you all posting it on Facebook. But seriously, the school year gets busy and they are going to need your support. Send them off with great memories (ones they can write about for all those back to school writing prompts and journal entries)! You can't get these days back!